["Guide to Personhood in America" by Sarah Baker via Boing Boing]
So I guess #SCOTUS is saying that women need to incorporate, if they want to have things like “rights” and “freedom”. — Wil Wheaton on Twitter June 30, 2014
Why does it feel like we’re going backwards???
The Supreme Court passed a ruling this week that Hobby Lobby as a for-profit, closely held company can refuse to cover contraception as part of their health insurance for employees because of religious objections to certain forms of birth control. And the rightwing defends it: “My religion trumps your ‘right’ to employer subsidized consequence free sex.” Seriously…because pregnancy is punishment for sex? Seriously…?
Where to even begin?? Here are 5 myths you can go ahead and debunk straightaway. Psst: Contraception is not abortion.
But really, this is pretty straightforward: Women have the right to affordable, accessible healthcare — and this includes the birth control of their choice. Because all people have this right. And women are people. Period.
This is setting scary, scary precedent.
The only silver lining? Ruth Bader Ginsburg is a fucking badass. (Read her dissent; hear/sing her dissent.)
So follow RBG’s example, and go ahead with your bad self: Add your voice. Boycott Hobby Lobby. Donate to places that still provide accessible, affordable birth control and healthcare for women. Buy a Notorious RBG shirt. Vote vote vote! Run for office, even. And raise little girls and boys to respect people as people.
Filed under: Feminism, Food for thought